council logo bannerMeeting Notice
February 8, 2024


The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council will convene its Standing and Special Reef Fish, Socioeconomic, and Ecosystem Scientific and Statistical Committees from February 27-28, 2024. The meeting will be convened from 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM eastern time, each day. The meeting will be held at the Council Office located at 4107 West Spruce Street, Suite 200, Tampa, Florida 33607.

The Scientific and Statistical Committees will review stock assessment results for Yellowedge Grouper (SEDAR 85), hear results from the Council’s Fisherman Feedback tool, and consider updating catch advice for the stock. The Committees will then review a comparison of reef fish and snapper grouper fisheries in the southeastern US, followed by a discussion of landings data and catch limits for deep-water grouper.

Next, the Committees will review the final results of the red snapper research track assessment (SEDAR 74) and discuss recommendations for moving forward with a future stock assessment that aims to produce catch advice. The Committees will also review recommendations for modifications to the SEDAR process, and terms of reference for an upcoming yellowtail snapper assessment. It will also discuss revised landings data and catch limits for black grouper and yellowfin grouper. Finally, it will review the 2024 red grouper interim analysis which will not include catch advice.

For all other agenda items and meeting materials, click here.

Public comment will be held in-person and over the webinar each day before the meeting adjourns.

Register for the webinar here.