July 31 – August 1, 2024

July 31 – 8:30 am – 5:00 pm eastern / 7:30 am – 4:00 pm central

August 1 – 8:30 am – 5:30 pm eastern / 7:30 am – 4:30 pm central

Council Office

(813) 348-1630 Council office

Final Briefing Book Deadline: July 17, 2024 (NO MORE CHANGES)

GoToWebinar App Information

We are using the GoToWebinar platform. Non-SSC members may participate (listen and view the meeting) via cell phone or tablet.

SSC members are encouraged to use a desktop computer or laptop for full participation.

Android App via Google Play



Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Meeting Convenes at 8:30 am eastern / 7:30 am central

I. Introductions and Adoption of Agenda – Mr. Rindone

II. Scope of Work – Mr. Rindone

III. Election of SSC Chair and Vice Chair – Mr. Rindone (¼ hr)

IV. Approval of Verbatim Minutes and Meeting Summary from the May 2024 meeting – Chair

V. SSC Member General Orientation – Council Staff

  • a. Presentation
  • b. SSC Discussion – Chair

VI. SSC Member SEDAR Process Orientation and Engagement – Mr. Rindone

15-minute morning break at Chair's discretion

VII. Management Strategy Evaluation – Dr. Cassidy Peterson/Dr. Katie Siegfried

  • a. Presentation
  • b. SSC Discussion – Chair

VIII. SEDAR Assessment Process Changes and Model Complexity –Dr. Siegfried/ Dr. Peterson

  • a. Presentation
  • b. SSC Discussion – Chair

In-house Lunch break: 12:15 am - 12:45 pm eastern

IX. Essential Fish Habitat Contract Review: Progress on EFH Data Collection – Dr. Bridgette Froeschke

  • a. Presentation
  • b. EFH Contract Update
  • c. Background: List of Metadata
  • d. Background: Data Features (zip)
  • e. SSC Discussion – Chair

15-minute afternoon break at Chair's discretion

X. Influence of Timing and Duration of Recreational Seasonal Harvest Restrictions on Gag Effort, Harvest, and Discards in the Gulf of Mexico – Dr. Challen Hyman

  • a. Presentation
  • b. Background: Supporting Manuscripts
  • c. SSC Discussion – Chair

XI. Public Comment – Chair

Adjourn Day 1 by 5:00 pm eastern / 4:00 pm central

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Meeting Convenes at 8:30 am eastern / 7:30 am central

XII. Discussion: Acceptable Biological Catch Control Rule Modifications – Drs. Shannon Cass-Calay and Katie Siegfried

  • a. Presentation: SEFSC Proposal – Dr. Shannon Cass-Calay
  • b. Background: Ralston et al. 2011
    • 1. Ralston Multipliers Excel File
  • c. Background: Restrepo et al. 1998
  • d. Background: 2011 Gulf Council ABC Control Rule
  • e. Background: Gulf Council ABC Control Rule Tier 1 Spreadsheet
  • f. Background: NMFS ABC Control Rule Technical Memo – Carryover and Phase-in
  • g. Background: Inventory of ABC Control Rule Tier Systems
  • h. Background: Revitalizing the Gulf of Mexico ABC Control Rule
  • i. Background: May 2021 Gulf SSC Summary
  • j. Background: May 2022 Gulf SSC Summary
  • k. Background: January 2023 Gulf SSC Meeting
  • l. SSC Discussion – Chair

15-minute morning break at Chair's discretion

In-house Lunch break: 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm eastern

ABC Control Rule Discussion continued until 1:15 pm

XIII. RESTORE Project Update: Projections Model Review – Dr. Nathan Vaughn

  • a. Presentation
  • b. Background: RESTORE Proposal
  • c. Background: Report
  • d. SSC Discussion – Chair

15-minute afternoon break at Chair's discretion

XIV. Review: Regional and Sector-Specific Gulf of Mexico Age, Growth, and Age-length Key Estimation Derived from Otolith-based Ageing – Dr. Will Patterson

  • a. Presentation
  • b. Report
  • c. SSC Discussion – Chair

XV. Discussion: 2025-2028 Research and Monitoring Priorities – Council Staff

  • a. Presentation
  • b. SSC Discussion – Chair

XVI. Public Comment – Chair

XVII. Other Business – Chair

  • a.  Volunteers to Serve on the Ecosystem Technical Committee

Adjourn Day 2 by 5:30 pm eastern / 4:30 pm central

The established times for addressing items on the SSC agenda may be adjusted as necessary to accommodate the timely completion of discussion relevant to the agenda items.  Such adjustments may result in the meeting being extended from, or completed prior to, the date established by this agenda.